Who's Lola?

Aim in Life...erm hmmm end poverty..nah...to much of a big task BINGO...I just want to live the champange life...that beter be real crystal MR! LOL! Univeristy of Leicester student studying English And American Studies. Style Icon Agness Deyn

Monday 28 February 2011

I Swear To Tell The Truth...

I have sinned but repent to FASHION! It is poisonous, an addiction, to sniff, to inject, to inhale. Deceptive this may sound, and how ambigious it may seem. Fashion to me is more than a drug, but a poingnant odur that I will forever breath, C02 is non existent In  my World!

Please feel free to explore this abysess and allow your mind be ravished by the fashion  image and journalism which are inextricable to awake your fashion conscious.
"Write your self. Your body must be heard. Only then will the imense resorces of the uunconscious spring fourth."
                Helene Cixous