Who's Lola?

Aim in Life...erm hmmm end poverty..nah...to much of a big task BINGO...I just want to live the champange life...that beter be real crystal MR! LOL! Univeristy of Leicester student studying English And American Studies. Style Icon Agness Deyn

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Lights, Camera...Lola

                            Shirt- H&M
                          Shorts- Primark ( however, I cut them a bit shorter)
                         Black Wedges- ASDA
                           Leopard Print Sling Backs - Marks and Spencers
                              Suede Knee High Boots- New Look

My legs are so dry lol...so RAZZ right? But you should all know me by now I'm not fussed about these things.

Some may say that the inner pocket on display is an old look. My view is this, old styles are the new styles and the new styles are just BLAH! I'm not trying to fit in with what is happening now, and look like a manufactured high street shop window, thats so razz! What I do is, take from the new and make it me, the best fashion  stlyes comes from your own creativity and not from a shop window!

signing out xoxo

p.s. razz = so not cool

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